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Our expert staff of engineers are continually updating our technical documents to share with you, including design ideas, technical insights, educational topics and product selection guidance at every level. Design solutions are short, highly-specific technical papers, which present a common application problem and explain which IC is the best technical solution to that problem. Bravotek are always pleased to shareinnovative ideas with you and your peers. Click "READ MORE" below for your reference.
What is CCM SIMO
Continuous Conduction Mode Single Inductor Multiple Outputs

Provide different energy to each outputs continuously with only one inductor, which can reduce conduction loss and peak currents compared to discontinuous conduction mode(DCM) SIMO.
Does Bravotek have a documented Quality Management System ?
Bravotek has been International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certified for Quality Management System (ISO 9001)  since 2015 and has maintained compliance to the ISO requirements since that time.

What is qualification approach in Bravotek?
The qualification process is how we confirm that the reliability of our designs, processes, products and packages meets industry standards. All Bravotek products undergo qualification and reliability testing or qualification by similarity justification prior to release.